Join Our Team: School Administrator
Heritage Christian Academy is in search of an energetic individual to step into the role of School Administrator, guiding our community in providing an exceptional academic journey rooted in Christian principles. With a student body spanning from K2 to 12th grade and comprising 245 learners, HCA places a strong emphasis on academic excellence within our Christian worldview.
Come Join Our Team: Educators
Thank you for your interest in Heritage Christian Academy. The Academy seeks to employ qualified, Christian educators who desire to teach in a safe, loving and supportive environment. Our desire is to provide the children entrusted to us with the best education available. Central to this desire is our belief that imparting to these students a Christian worldview is critical to their relating to the world and people around them in a manner pleasing to God.
In order for us to properly process your application for employment, please make sure that you have delivered the following items to the Academy office.
​All Applicants:
· Completed application
· Copy of driver’s license
· Copy of your social security card
· Resume (including education, employment history, and references)
Teachers Only:
· Copy of valid State Teaching Certificate